Friday, April 18, 2008

Rio 2: tickets, copacabana

As part of our continued efforts to obtain tickets for Sunday´s championship game we went back to the Maracanã again. Arriving there we spotted a long queue. We feared that we´d be spending hours there. But lo, they had 9 ticket boots open and it was a breeze. We have tickets!

Next we made some arrangements for absolutely dynamite activities in the next few days. The day thus having been proclaimed fruitful we went and spent the afternoon on the most famous beach in the world: Copacabana beach, just 4 blocks away from the place we´re staying. There was some good surf and I almost swam into a fishing line that turned out to lead to one mr. José on the shore. José has lived in Rio for 70 years and comes to the beach to fish every day. He is the Mexican Fisherman in Rio. José says Rio is not nearly as dangerous as its reputation is. If you stay away from the beach and from shady areas at night, and if you just look simple rather than flashing bling bling and expensive cameras, then you´ll be OK. Indeed we haven´t really felt unsafe.

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